Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по г. Минску

Горячая линия:+375 17 337-39-85 (с 9.00 до 12.00)

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Минской области

Горячая линия: +375 17 200-80-61 

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Гомельской области

Горячая линия: +375 23 234-51-74

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Витебской области

Горячая линия: +375 21 262-68-83 

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Брестской области

Горячая линия: +375 16 21-47-80

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Гродненской области

Горячая линия: +375 15 274-34-15

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Могилевской области

Горячая линия: +375 22 231-03-62 

Специализированая инспекция Департамента
контроля и надзора за строительством

Горячая линия: +375 17 361-00-71

The Department of Control and Supervision of Construction and its Inspections (hereinafter referred to as Gosstroynadzor) carries out continuous work on the implementation of the functions of state construction supervision at controlled facilities.

As of December 31, 2018, construction was underway in the Republic of Belarus at 11,025 objects for various purposes.

During the reporting period, the Gosstroynadzor inspectorates for 8,679 objects sent notifications of registration (registration) of objects on the basis of notifications of the start of production (renewal) of construction and installation works at construction sites or permits for construction and installation works were issued (extended).

In 2018, the forms and methods of supervisory activity changed, which were primarily aimed at increasing the awareness, discipline and culture in the construction industry. Inspections carry out more preventive and explanatory work in the form of monitoring, recommendations for eliminating and preventing inconsistencies identified as a result of monitoring, as well as seminars, meetings, and round tables.

In the course of exercising control at supervised construction sites, in 2018, inspections of the Gosstroynadzor conducted 22,982 site visits.

As a result of the supervisory activity, the facts of unauthorized construction and installation work at 42 facilities were revealed.

In the process of exercising control functions at 6,551 construction sites under construction, 123,610 defects and violations were identified, including significant ones - 66,105. Due to the identification of defects that could affect the development of emergencies, construction and installation work was suspended at 55 facilities. 12 473 recommendations and instructions issued.

For violations of the legislation on architectural, urban planning and construction activities in 2018, the inspections of the Gosstrojnadzor brought to administrative responsibility 3,092 individuals and legal entities, from which 388,594 thousand rubles were recovered. penalties.

In 2018, conclusions were issued on the conformity of the project documentation with safety and operational reliability requirements for 5,263 commissioned facilities, including 1,628 housing construction projects (construction, reconstruction, restoration, improvement, overhaul). 1,218 motivated failures were issued, including 360 - on housing projects.

In connection with a systematic violation of the requirements of legislation in construction in 2018, the inspections of the State Construction Supervision Authority sent:

- to the Ministry of Architecture and Construction 24 submissions on the termination of qualification certificates, 1 submission on the termination of the certificate of conformity, 8 submissions on the conduct of extraordinary certification;

- materials with proposals on suspension of 30 certificates of conformity for types of work, 26 certificates of conformity for quality management systems, 31 certificates of technical competence of production control systems were sent to certification bodies.

Based on the results of the review, 15 certificates of conformity for types of work, 4 certificates of conformity for quality management systems, 11 certificates of technical competence were suspended (canceled, canceled).

Gosstroynadzor constantly takes measures to ensure that construction participants put in order and organize work on construction sites, systematically monitors compliance with technical regulatory legal acts (TNLA) on their maintenance at controlled facilities.

Inspections of the State Construction Supervision Authority visited 7,037 construction sites in all regions of the republic. 65% did not meet the established requirements for their content. On the facts of the revealed violations, 7,648 recommendations and instructions were issued. At 3 sites, construction and installation work was suspended. 1,135 officials were brought to administrative responsibility.

During 2018, the Gosstroynadzor continued the planned work on the development, review and approval of draft regulatory legal acts, TNLA, regulatory and methodological documents in the field of construction.

In total, 183 draft normative legal acts were considered, including 30 draft TNLA.

Work on improving the regulatory framework in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, including the regulation of the state construction supervision bodies, was carried out as part of the implementation of Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of November 23, 2017 N ° 7 “On the development of entrepreneurship” and Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus of October 16, 2017 No. 376 “On measures to improve control (supervisory) activities”.

Amendments have been made to the Regulation on the Department of Control and Supervision of Construction of the State Committee for Standardization of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated July 31, 2006 No. 981 (resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated February 14, 2018 No. 126 “On Amendments and amendments to the resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus of July 31, 2006, Na 981 ”).

Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated May 8, 2018 No. 343 “On the procedure for sending notifications of construction and installation works” approved the Regulation on the procedure for sending notifications of construction and installation works.

It defines the procedure for sending notifications, which replaced the previously existing declarative procedure for starting construction and installation works. Now, before the start of construction and installation work, business entities notify their inspections of the Gosstroiadzor by registered mail or electronic document of their intentions. At the same time, a positive conclusion of the state examination of the project is mandatory if it is subject to this procedure.

In the first quarter of 2019, business entities will receive another channel for sending notifications - through the Internet portal of the State Construction Supervision Authorities (dkns.by).

The notification procedure allows construction participants to make timely decisions in the field of their activity, reduce time and labor costs, and also eliminates the need for business entities to visit the bodies of the State Construction Inspection.

Since the introduction of this procedure, more than 6 thousand construction objects have been registered and registered in the republic.

Gosstroynadzor’s specialists also took part in the work of scientific and technical councils, the public advisory council of the Ministry of Architecture and Architecture for public discussion of draft regulatory legal acts in the field of architectural, urban planning and construction activities, the Republican architectural and urban planning council, as well as in scientific and practical conferences and seminars on various construction issues.

In 2018, advanced training was held at the Belarusian State Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Personnel in Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management, and 60 state construction inspectors were certified, including 3 heads of inspections of the State Construction Inspection for regions and Minsk - the main state construction inspectors for Brest , Gomel regions and the city of Minsk.

At the same time, Gosstroynadzor is working to introduce in inspections GOST ISO / IEC 17020-2013, which establishes identical international requirements for inspection bodies, and subsequent accreditation in the National Accreditation System. This step will make it possible to unify the activities of regional inspections, to ensure uniformity of their actions and procedures, and to increase confidence in the results obtained. The specialized inspection and the Gosstroynadzor inspection in Minsk have already implemented this standard and received the relevant accreditation certificates in 2018. The remaining inspections will complete this work in the first half of 2019.