Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по г. Минску

Горячая линия:+375 17 337-39-85 (с 9.00 до 12.00)

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Минской области

Горячая линия: +375 17 200-80-61 

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Гомельской области

Горячая линия: +375 23 234-51-74

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Витебской области

Горячая линия: +375 21 262-68-83 

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Брестской области

Горячая линия: +375 16 21-47-80

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Гродненской области

Горячая линия: +375 15 274-34-15

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Могилевской области

Горячая линия: +375 22 231-03-62 

Специализированая инспекция Департамента
контроля и надзора за строительством

Горячая линия: +375 17 361-00-71

On September 20, 2019, the next certification of state construction inspectors was held.

The certification was the result of the passage from September 9 to 20 by 30 inspectors of the regional inspections of the Department of control and supervision of the construction of continuing education courses at the educational institution “Belarusian State Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Staff in Standardization, Metrology and Quality Management” (BGIPK) under the educational program “State construction control and supervision. ”

In accordance with the program, topics such as the main tasks of state construction supervision bodies and their functions to monitor the safety and operational reliability of completed construction projects, the planning of the work of state supervision bodies and interaction with other regulatory bodies of the Republic of Belarus, increasing the efficiency of the state building inspector were studied , quality control of construction works.

The certification ended with computer testing and an oral interview, which was carried out by a commission of the Department of control and supervision of construction.

Certification of state construction inspectors is provided for by the Regulation on State Construction Supervision Authorities of the Republic of Belarus, approved by Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus No. 1860 of November 29, 1999, for newly hired employees after completing an internship and every 5 years thereafter. This allows you to ensure and maintain a high level of professionalism in the implementation of state construction supervision.