Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по г. Минску

Горячая линия:+375 17 337-39-85 (с 9.00 до 12.00)

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Минской области

Горячая линия: +375 17 200-80-61 

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Гомельской области

Горячая линия: +375 23 234-51-74

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Витебской области

Горячая линия: +375 21 262-68-83 

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Брестской области

Горячая линия: +375 16 21-47-80

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Гродненской области

Горячая линия: +375 15 274-34-15

Инспекция Департамента контроля и надзора
за строительством по Могилевской области

Горячая линия: +375 22 231-03-62 

Специализированая инспекция Департамента
контроля и надзора за строительством

Горячая линия: +375 17 361-00-71

Gosstroynadzor inspections are accredited for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17020-2013

In May 2019, the work on accreditation of the Gosstroynadzor inspections for compliance with the requirements of GOST ISO / IEC 17020-2013 and the criteria of the National Accreditation System of the Republic of Belarus was completed.

The scope of accreditation includes state construction supervision at construction, reconstruction, overhaul, restoration, beautification, demolition facilities, with the exception of facilities for the construction of which state construction supervision is not required in accordance with Decree of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus dated 19.10.2006 No. 1387 “On approval of the list of objects for the construction of which it is not required to obtain a permit for the construction and installation works. ”

The standard establishes requirements for the competence of inspection bodies, as well as for the impartiality and consistency of their inspection activities. The standard is identical to the international standard ISO / IEC 17020-2012 Conformity assessment - Requirements for the operation of various types of bodies performing inspection (Conformity assessment. Requirements for the work of various types of bodies conducting inspections).

The introduction of the standard in the inspections of the Gosstroynadzor allowed to unify their activities, ensure uniformity of actions and procedures, strengthen the trust of customers (investors) and improve the investment climate in the implementation of construction activities.