The board meeting on this topic was held on November 1, 2018. Director of the Department for Control and Supervision of Construction of the State Standard (hereinafter referred to as the Department) Igor Gusev generally noted the positive dynamics of the work, which was aimed at ensuring effective state construction supervision. In 2018, the work was substantially adjusted in connection with the measures taken to improve the conditions for entrepreneurial activities in the framework of the implementation of Decree No. 7 “On the development of entrepreneurship”. “Such measures as introducing a notification principle instead of obtaining a building permit, reducing inspections, have opened up more business opportunities, contributing to the development of entrepreneurial initiative and business activity. Accordingly, the forms and methods of supervisory activity have changed. They are aimed at increasing awareness, discipline and culture in the field of construction, ”said the head of the Department. Inspections carry out more preventive and explanatory work, which takes place in the form of monitoring, sending recommendations to eliminate and prevent deficiencies identified as a result of monitoring, clarification, and “round tables”. All these measures are combined with improving the professional level of inspectors, improving the staff on a systematic basis: technical studies, retraining and testing of knowledge, certification. Planned work is underway to prepare the inspections of the Department for accreditation for compliance with GOST ISO / IEC 17020-2013. These activities are carried out in accordance with the roadmap approved by the State Standard. Accreditation of the inspections of the Department as inspection bodies will make it possible to unify their activities and ensure uniformity of actions and procedures. Currently, two inspections have implemented this standard and are undergoing accreditation. The remaining inspections will carry out this work before the end of this year. The results of the Department's work contribute to solving the main tasks in the field of construction activities, which are set by the Head of State and the Government. The number of appeals and complaints from citizens is reduced. According to Victor Petrushi, Director General of RUE Glavgosstroyexpertiza, the results of the enterprise and the Department show that during this time the departments began to interact more closely in many areas. So, this year a project has been implemented that allows inspections to receive for use in their work the results of the state construction examination of project documentation in electronic format in online mode. “This is a serious plus due to which there are fewer issues in the work. But it’s worth noting that this is only the beginning of the work, ”said Victor Petrusha. Chairman of the Union of Builders of the Republic of Belarus Nikolai Sheremet noted the important role of the Department in ensuring the safety of construction projects, and also pointed out the existing problematic issues in the construction industry. “If there is no culture of production, order, there will be no results and no movement forward,” he said. “The Department is very responsible for those assignments that are related to the safety and quality of work, although the load on inspectors is sometimes very high.” On measures to improve the work with appeals of citizens and legal entities said the head of the department of organizational and legal work and personnel of Gosstandart Vasily Evsievich. “The Department has many tasks, and the main one is the safety of facilities under construction. We can say that the vigilance and integrity of the specialists of the Department have increased. So, with a recent decrease in the number of facilities under construction by half, the identified inconsistencies only decreased by 30%, ”said Vasily Evsievich. The board also discussed the introduction of information technology, a demonstration of the possibilities of online fixing construction defects. At the end of the board, the participants visited construction and overhaul facilities in Minsk